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Welcome to EBSDN (Everybody Sing and Dance Now)

These are our terms and conditions, and you should read them carefully as they apply to your use of this website and any registration you may make. We request that you accept these Terms and Conditions during the registration process. 


You will be bound by the details of the Terms and Conditions and the information that was in place at the time of use of the website when you placed your registration.


EBSDN reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time, and your continued use of the website following any changes shall be deemed your acceptance of such change. It is your responsibility to check regularly to determine if the Terms and Conditions have been changed. If you do not agree to the changes you should not continue to use the website. EBSDN will not be held liable for any loss of goodwill, any economic losses or any special or indirect losses suffered or incurred by that party arising out of or in connection with the Terms and Conditions.

EBSDN make no warranty that the website or the server that makes it available is free of viruses or anything else which may be harmful or destructive.  We shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage which may arise to computer equipment as a result of using this website. 

We do ask that you join our Facebook Group page.

Due to EBSDN being a public event, EBSDN encourages all attendees to:

  • Supervise children at all times

  • Be responsible for personal belongings

  • Be aware of surroundings and inform a EBSDN employee of unsuitable or suspicious activity.

  • Stay safe and have fun while attending EBSDN events!

By entering the competition, you agree that we are to provide an event that is a competition.

At EBSDN our main goal is to always have a safe platform for young performers to perform on.

What we are grateful for is your continued support, always.

PLEASE READ AND AGREE at the point of entry of your routines – THIS IS A STRICT MUST DO!

CONDITION OF ENTRY without agreement on your entry will not allow your entry to be processed. 

The hosting of this competition is subject to the evolving impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It's a condition of entry that you fully agree to all these terms listed when you register and take part in the competition.


If EBSDN decide to take late entries they will be $50 per solo act, $60 per duo or trio. 

EBSDN will send you an invoice which must be paid that day, or entries are cancelled. 

EBSDN has a 100% cancellation fee if you decide not to attend and withdraw. 

We do NOT provide refunds for mistaken double entries made by the person entering the information into jotform.

What we can do is give a credit to be used at the competition, or if we have another competition that is available, we can apply the credit to that competition. 

No refund or transfers will be given when you are a no show or withdraw, you agree to this when you register for the event and will not make a claim for a refund under these terms and conditions if the event is still going ahead and you withdraw for whatever reason including medical, Illness, personal reasons, clash with another event, birthday party, wedding, injury or covid 19, etc, etc. Entries will only be accepted online and when paid in full via EBSDN Jotform.

Entries will not be taken over the phone. Entries are taken on a first come first-served basis.

Our competitions WILL sell out. Closing dates are only a guide as competitions will sell out well before the closing date. Competitions will charge a spectator door entry for solo. duo. trio and troupe sessions. 


If an adjudicator is unable to perform his/her duties, EBSDN reserves the right to appoint a new adjudicator without notice

The adjudicator’s decision is final. 


Age is to be taken as of 1st January 2025 for Competitions.



Time limits will be strictly enforced. 

Any music that is over the time limit, the performer/s will not be able to receive a placing.

Tiny Tots. Petites. Pre Junior - 2.5 minutes.

Solo/Duo/Trio Junior. Pre Teen. Teen. Pre Senior and Senior: 3 minutes 

All Vocal Sections: 3 minutes 





Teachers, Parents, Performers and Choreographers must all be aware of what routines are being performed. 
If a performer has left a Studio please ensure you have permission from past choreographers/teachers to be able to continue to perform routines whose ownership may be in question.  Disputes in regards to this must be mediated and handled with class (outside of social media or the event itself) by the parties involved. If on social media, anyone mentions EBSDN we will not get involved in this, we simply ask that you do the right thing. 


All of our dates and venues will be published on our website EBSDN and are clear.

We highly advise you block out all dates, as when programing we do our best to keep to age PROJECTED dates, but they can change, based on lack of or volume of entries. 

EBSDN reserves the right to add or delete competition days or move competition locations.

EBSDN can move locations and dates if required, meaning the venue we had booked for some reason, has to move our dates, or the venue double booked their venue. 

EBSDN can move  to online video submissions that are due to unforeseen circumstances and out of our control.

Entries will not be refunded when alternative options are put in place and we can replace the service.

In the event of a natural disaster or a venue is no longer able to be used, EBSDN  reserves the right to transfer the dates of the event or cancel, and alternate arrangements will be offered and assessed by our committee & Jenny Jones. 


EBSDN will project dates, but please note! You are best to hold dates until the DRAFT program is released. 



If in the event our competition is required to modify, delay or be canceled due to COVID19 government restrictions or venue issues, this includes border closures, the above terms and conditions will still go into effect and you agree to this when registering your entries. We will in most cases work to have the event go ahead even if it's delayed to a later date this will be the priority.



Registrations are made online and can be paid by credit card or PayPal via Jotform.

Once a registration is received it will be processed and confirmed by our staff then fees are non refundable under a 100% cancellation fee/ no show policy - Including not being able to attend due to COVID19 related circumstances, which also includes contracting COVID19 and you 'can't' attend the event. This forms part of the agreement.

Once paid your entry fees are then absorbed & accounted towards back-office expenses, admin staff wages, plus the actual event running costs. If you require a transfer to another EBSDN competition, this is only possible with one of these reasons to transfer and it must be accompanied by a medical certificate or similar:

Injury, change of weekend with another parent, loss in the family.

If you wish to transfer to another event, BECAUSE YOUR PERFORMER IS UNWELL, A BROKEN BONE, SURGERY, DEATH IN THE FAMILY. CHANGE OF WEEKEND WITH OTHER PARENT this is only possible for $60 per dancer if………

  • A. The competition to transfer to is not full.

  • B. If it's more than 60 days before the competition starts and the competition you are transferring to, the DRAFT program has not yet been released as yet , you may transfer to that competition, with a transfer fee of $60.00.

  • C. You cannot transfer to another event if you are canceling from an event that the DRAFT program has already been announced and released for. 

  • D. You can NOT transfer a routine, if it is NOT ready for the competition you entered.

  • E. You cannot transfer for a change of mind, clash with another competition, studio rehearsal, birthday party etc etc.

Entries paid via a dance studio or parent cannot be transferred or refunded if you change studios and EBSDN will not get involved. You agree, we are unable to offer a credit/transfer if you withdraw or simply don’t turn up to the Competition.

By registering for the competition and ticking the box at check out, you are agreeing that you have read and agreed to all the rules, terms and conditions relating to payment of fees/registrations and will fully comply and not contest.

Performers are not entitled to any refund of fee or transfer of fees in case of nonappearance in any section or if you or your performer/ performers choose, they do not want to perform anymore or routine or routines are not polished or finished. We DO NOT provide refunds for change of mind, change of mind regarding EBSDN rules, clash with another competition or commitment or the performer/s decide they do not want to partake in competitions, anymore. 

If you have made a mistake (e.g., double entries) or the performer is injured (with proof) we will transfer to another one of our competitions, WITH THE ABOVE CRITERIA.

By entering the competition, you agree that we are to provide an event that is a competition.

Please note: If the event is going ahead even with a date change due to THE VENUE CHANGING DATES, COVID LOCKDOWNS, the above terms are all in effect and binding as a protection to everyone.

We cannot transfer or refund entries to another event if you are not able to attend as all entries registered for your event have been absorbed to the running costs. All attendees agree when taking part and registering at competitions, including but not limited to, Dancers, Singers, Parents/Caregivers, Teachers, Directors, Volunteers and Patrons, indemnify and keep indemnified EBSDN (EVERYBODY SING AND DANCE NOW) and its committee members and operators on both a commercial and personal basis against all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, costs, and expenses whatsoever which may be made against EBSDN. Directors/staff and or its volunteer members in carrying out the duties and requirements in terms of the event and these rules. Not limited to loss of property or personal injury to those who attend the competitions. This is for the protection of everybody to feel confident in being part of EBSDN (EVERYBODY SING AND DANCE NOW) 


Full care but no responsibility will be taken for injuries or lost property of anyone attending EBSDN ( Everybody Sing and Dance Now ) 


Spectators and their visitors, guests, our volunteers or employees enter and use these premises at their own risk.

Neither EBSDN ( Everybody Sing and Dance Now ) nor their representatives, volunteers or agents are liable for loss or damage to any guest, visitor, employee or any persons property, nor for injury or death of any guest or visitor, whilst they attend EBSDN (Everybody Sing and Dance Now )

If the event is still going ahead and you withdraw for whatever reason including - you are a no show or withdraw, medical injury, covid 19 or isolation. 

No refund or transfers will be given, unless the section is cancelled by the EBSDN Team.

We can, however combine sections due to lack of numbers.

We DO NOT provide refunds for change of mind, or clash with another competition or commitment.

If you have made a mistake (e.g. double entries) or the dancer is injured (with proof) we may be able to transfer to another regional – if a refund is accepted we will provide this at the event ONLY.
EBSDN Team has the right to amend the program at any time and y
ou agree to this when you register for the event, and will not make a claim for a refund under these terms and conditions. 


When you enter EBSDN you give consent for 3 years for EBSDN to use and retain the name and image of your child for the purposes of public relations, media and promotion in print or through social media profiles. This consent will remain in place unless you advise otherwise.


Parents are not allowed backstage except when helping with props. 

Teachers are permitted with troupes, the maximum number is three with large troupes and two with small troupes. 


There will be no crowding at the side stage or in the wings of the stage. 

Only two people are allowed sidestage while a performer is on stage, as it is very distracting for the person who is performing onstage.

Distractions and prompting from the sides of the stage will not be tolerated whilst a competitor is performing - with the exception of the babies dance sections. This will lead to disqualification

Prompting is ONLY allowed for Tiny Tots and Petites. 

Curtains will not be in use at the EBSDN.



Troupes must be supervised at al time. 

Everyone MUST be adhere to venues policies and procedures at all times. 

Dressing rooms will be allocated to troupes at EBSDN. 

In shared areas all performers, teachers and parents are expected to show respect for everyone's space and belongings.

Be mindful when rehearsing of noise level of music and chants. 



Please place all your rubbish in bins provided and if any individual, studio or school found to have caused damage to their dressing space, a fee of $200 will be charged.


EBSDN is in no way any form of childcare facility.
Every under age performer must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who accepts full responsibility for the performer at all times. Any performer seen to be without a guardian will result in EBSDN contacting authorities to respond.



All music provided to EBSDN (Everybody Sing and Dance Now) by a studio or participant (“Entrant”), for use at an EBSDN event, must be properly licensed for live performance use. It is the Entrant’s responsibility to obtain all licenses necessary for use of music at an EBSDN competition. 

Therefore, by virtue of entering this event, it is agreed that participants, guardians, and teachers agree to hold harmless and indemnify EBSDN (Everybody Sing and Dance Now) or its officers, directors, officials, staff or employees from any and all claims associated with use of Entrant’s selected music. 

Music selected should be age appropriate and free from any explicit language. 

If explicit language is used, the music will be stopped immediately, and the performer/s will be asked to leave the stage and be disqualified from the section.


EBSDN uses Music Uploads for all music and audio critiques -

Music will need to be uploaded once the final program is released.



If you DO NOT upload your music on time, your performer will be removed from the program and will NOT be able to perform.  


EBSDN has 5 levels of competition to allow performers to compete with those closest to their own skill level.

Part-time or Full-time dancers are eligible to enter but must register as Elite. 

MY FIRST YEAR ON STAGE: This is for NEW performers who have been competing for less than 6 months & competed in less than 4 Eisteddfods. If you place 1st, 2nd or 3rd in this section at an EBSDN competition you will then need to move to Specially Restricted at your next EBSDN event. A maximum of 1 routine can be entered per performer if entering this section. You cannot qualifier for Showcase National Finals in this section.

SPECIALLY RESTRICTED: This section is open to performers who, prior to entering have never been placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in any eisteddfod in that particular style. They move to restricted sections, when they place in SR.

RESTRICTED: This sectIon is open to performers who, prior to the closing date for entries, have never been placed first in a Restricted section at any eisteddfod in that particular style. They move to OPEN when they WIN in a restricted section.

OPEN: This section is open to any performer who has placed 1st in a restricted section in that particular style. If you have placed in an open section in the last 12 months or train more than 16 hours a week you need to enter ELITE.


ELITE: This section is open to any performer who has placed in an open section in the last 12 months or trains more than 16 hours a week in any style of dance/performance/technique/conditioning/acrobatics.

This includes and is not limited to performers who enrolled in distance education.


Props can be used, however, it is the entrant’s responsibility to place them in the allocated prop area, label them correctly, and bring them on/off stage throughout the competition.

Safety is paramount in the use of props. 


If your performers or troupes have any props that require cleaning up after their routine, you must have someone on hand to help clean up!

EBSDN does not take responsibility for any injuries caused using props.

Any props left over at the conclusion of the event, will be placed in the bin.

Free standing props with a 45 second time allowance for preparation is permitted.

All props must be removed immediately after the competitor has finished the item.


No form of liquid, gel, aerosol, glitter, powder or paint may be used that will physically alter the surface of the tarkett floor. * Note: Rosen must be self-contained and cannot be applied on shoes on the tarkett floor. If a dancer is requesting to use rosin, EBSDN must know upon registration so that schedule adjustments can be made to clean up the tarkett residue post-performance. There will be a point deduction if EBSDN is not notified about the rosin usage and the tarkett floor is affected during the act. If the stage is littered during a performance, PERFORMERS are expected to clean the stage completely of all debris in ONE MINUTE or less. A one-point deduction will be given to any act that does not clean up the stage within the one minute time limit. A one point deduction will also be given to an act that uses a substance that is not permitted and creates a safety hazard on the tarkett floor.


BE SAFE and come prepared! not all venues have the facilities for ice-packs etc

Each Studio, who has entered in troupes MUST provide their own first aid person, ice, and first aid kit. EBSDN staff are not responsible for providing any first aid equipment or ice/heat products.




Tap Shoes MUST NOT be worn without TAP COVERS. 

 NO JINGLE TAPS are allowed.


EBSDN requires the appropriate footwear to be worn for all genres. 
At NO stage can only ONE shoe be worn. It is 5 points deducted. 



We have taken extra health and safety measures – for our performers, guests and EBSDN Staff.

We ask that you follow all posted instructions while attending a competition.

However, an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 currently exists in any public place where people are present. 

COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. 

Senior citizens and guests with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable.

By visiting an EBSDN competition, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.

Please note any performer at EBSDN competitions takes certain risks in order to perform, they may include strains, sprains, bruises, broken bones, pulled muscles, and more. Participation in any Everybody Sing and Dance competition indicates acceptance of such risks by performers. By accepting our terms and conditions every entrant will not hold Everybody Sing and Dance, Jenny and Nigel Jones or any other staff member or volunteers responsible for illnesses, injuries, damages sustained by participating in any activity relating to Everybody Sing and Dance dance competition, workshop, or related.



All  attendees  agree  when  taking  part  and  registering  for Everybody Sing and Dance Now (EBSDN)  (competitions),including  but  not  limited  to,  Dancers, Singers,  Parents/Care  Givers,  Teachers,  Directors,  Volunteers  and  Patrons,  indemnify  and  keep  indemnified EBSDN and  its  committee  members  and  operators  on  both  a  commercial  and  personal  basis  against  all  actions,  suits,  proceedings, claims,  demands,  costs,  and  expenses  whatsoever  which  may  be  made  against Everybody Sing and Dance Now (EBSDN) Directors/staff  and  or its  volunteer  members in carrying out the duties and requirements in terms of the event and these rules. Not limited to loss of property or personal injury to those who attend the competitions. 



Bullying or intimidation at an EBSDN competition is not acceptable and any evidence of such, will result in instant dismissal from the competition. Sportsmanlike behavior is always expected. Failure to display proper decorum could result in immediate disqualification. This includes attempting to recruit students from other studios to attend your studio. This is NOT acceptable!!                                     



There is an inherent risk of injury involved with performing and athletic activity. 

EBSDN (Everybody Sing and Dance Now) makes no warranties or representations, either expressed or implied, to prevent injuries to individual participants.

Performers and teachers understand that any competitors in dance competitions take inherent risks.

These include, but are not limited to, sprains, bruises, pulled muscles, and broken bones.

Participation in this competition indicates the acceptance of such risks by performers. 

Therefore, by virtue of entering this event, it is agreed that participants, guardians and teachers agree to hold harmless and indemnify EBSDN (Everybody Sing and Dance Now) its officers, directors officials, staff, employees or the hosting facility for injuries sustained or illnesses contracted while in attendance or participating in any activity related to a EBSDN® Competition. EBSDN (Everybody Sing and Dance Now) and the hosting facility are not responsible for personal injury to contestants or spectators.

EBSDN Team show respect and co-operation for all performers, teachers, parents and guests. We like to feel, that you as a guest feel that as well. EBSDN hope that you will all encourage and support all other performers, their parents teachers and finally enjoy the experience of EBSDN. 




Unless otherwise stated, EBSDN is for amateur performers only i.e. any person who does not derive nor has ever derived his or her main income or a substantial income as a teacher and/or performer in the particular category of performing arts for which he/she wishes to enter.

An amateur refers to a person whose principal source of income is not and has not been derived from the exercise or teaching of dance.

Performers must enter and compete in their own age group, and no competing below age is permitted.

Performers may enter an age group older than their own, if a genre isn’t available in their own age group. 

No person may enter under a name other than their own, and entries are not transferable on a whim. 

Performers must be ready to compete in the order in which their name appears in the program and as we like to keep to the program, so it is fair to everyone. 

No performer will be allowed to compete more than once in any solo section unless it is My First Year On Stage. 

Competitors must be aware of copyright responsibilities.

EBSDN is in no way responsible for personal breach of copyright.

If in doubt APRA and AMCOS may be contacted directly.

Entries close, when we are full, please submit entries as early as possible online.

Online payment will be by Paypal, Square or in some cases - Direct Debit​

Enter online at  

EBSDN does not tend to take late entries and we do not have a wait list.  

For assistance in entering please contact the office

It is the responsibility of the entrants, teacher, parent, or carer to list the correct section numbers and name on entry.

The Committee accepts no responsibility for incorrect entries received.

Entry fees are not refundable unless the section is cancelled by EBSDN or there is an error in programming.

Unless otherwise stated, any one item may be performed once only by a competitor during the competition, except for My First Year On Stage. 

​Time limits must be observed.

These are the maximum - an item may be shorter than the limit but not exceed it.

Should time limits be exceeded, the adjudicator will penalise.

​EBSDN reserves the right to cancel, combine or split any section/s.

​EBSDN reserves the right to appoint a new adjudicator should it be deemed necessary.

​If there are not two performers in a section when programming, that section will be merged with another section or canceled. 

​Prompting, except by an adjudicator, is not permitted.

​Performers who have been pupils of an adjudicator within one year prior to the event start date will only be eligible for report ONLY.

​Unless specifically invited by the adjudicator, contact must not be made directly by teachers, competitors or parents.

​Mobile phones must be switched to silent backstage.

In change room areas at all venues - BE AWARE THERE ARE DANCERS IN A STATE OF UNDRESS!!! 

Imagine if it was your performer getting changed in the background of a TIC TOC video on social media!!! 

No photographs during a performance.

​Any item having to withdraw after entering must notify Everybody Sing and Dance Now as soon as possible to ensure smooth programming of the event.

​Performers must be present at the beginning of the session as withdrawals may alter the order of appearance.

Due to this, it is unwise to anticipate exact performance times.

​Any protest or objection must be referred to Jenny within 30 minutes of the Adjudicator's decision In the case of a dispute arising in respect of the age of any competitor and his/her eligibility to appear in any age grouping.

EBSDN reserves the right to request a copy of the birth certificate of that competitor.

Anonymous letters will NOT be considered and if there is any outpouring on Social Media in bullying a performer, parent, teacher, volunteer or adjudicator. Whoever is responsible will not be able to enter an EBSDN event, again.

Every care will be taken for competitors' safety, but EBSDN will not be responsible for any injuries sustained by any performer and or damage to property during the Event.

Teachers please note - there will be no additions to the printed program unless the omission is the fault of EBSDN

​EBSDN has the right to amend the program at any time.

​Performers and/or winner's names and/or photographs may be used on our social media and in the media. 

Should this not be appropriate the EBSDN office MUST BE notified.

​EBSDN has the power to decide any question not contained in these rules and regulations.

​Failure to comply wholly or partly with any of the rules and regulations may result in disqualification or the withholding of prizes. The decision of EBSDN on any question or dispute shall be absolutely final.

​Performers must change in their designated area - No public area to be used for changing.

​The use of the house curtain is prohibited.

Duo and Trio sections, performers may perform TWO times in these sections.

In duos and trios, the eldest performer must enter the relevant age section.

All performers must have at least one backup copy of their music on them... just in case.

​No performer is to perform anywhere other than the stage area.

This includes entry, exits and absolutely NO jumping off the stage.

​The right to call upon any PERFORMER or studio to furnish a birth certificate or copy thereof and to withhold any prize until such certificate has been furnished.

​Inappropriate and suggestive movement, costuming and /or obscene language is not permitted, The Adjudicator may comment and/or penalise.

 EBSDN retains the right to change any of these terms and conditions in regard to our Covid-19 safety plan in line with the current State or Federal Government guidelines at the time of competition.

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